About Afghanistan Nuclear Energy Authority (ANEA).
Afghanistan was one of the first 23 countries to join the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1957, coinciding with 1335 AH. Among the important goals of this organization are the growth and development of peaceful nuclear techniques and their non-use in the military arenas, as well as taking the necessary measures to promote research and development and practical implementation of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The organization currently has more than 151 members.
Vacancy details:
- Announced date: July 14, 2021
- Expire date: July 29, 2021
- Number of vacancies: 11
- Gender: Male and Female.
- Nationality: Afghan
- Location: Kabul.
- Duration: permanent.
- Type of work: full time.
- Rank: 3 and 4.
- Salary: as per company scale salary.
List of positions:
Number | Position title | Rank | Number of jobs | Job description |
1 | Specialist in hydrology | 3 | 1 | Read more. |
2 | Radionuclide Research Specialist | 3 | 1 | Read more. |
3 | Embroidery meter distribution expert | 4 | 3 | Read more. |
4 | Expert on unattended resource survey and natural radioactivity | 3 | Read more. | |
5 | Biological Laboratory Expert | 2 | Read more. | |
6 | General Manager of Planning | 1 | Read more. |
How to apply
For the purpose of hiring qualified and experienced persons through the rank and salary program, from 4/23/1400 to 7/5/1400, it announces a competitive announcement for ten working days. Dear applicants can receive the requested forms from the following link and after fill, the application form with an ID card, citizenship documents, and work experience send to the email address [email protected] or refer to the General Recruitment Department of the Human Resources Department of this central silo office.
Submission email: