About Central South University (CSU): In Changsha, Hunan, in the center south of China, there is a national institution called Central South University (CSU). Central South University enrolls more than 33,000 full-time undergrads and 12,000 graduate students. Almost 1,000 of the total number of students at CSU are international students. International students are welcome to […]
The University of Dayton Scholarship for international students, Apply Now.
About the University of Dayton: In the USA, the bachelor scholarship program is managed by the University of Dayton. A Catholic research institution, the University of Dayton provides degrees from the bachelor to the doctorate levels. Its goal is to provide each person with the necessary leadership and service delivery abilities. It is dedicated to […]
50 New Surveyor Positions at National Statistics and Information Authority.
About NSIA: As an independent government agency, the National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA), formerly known as the National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA), was founded in the year 1351 with the goal of developing an integrated scientific system for statistics and ensuring the coordination and harmonization of all statistical and information management activities in […]
Jane M. Klasuman Scholarship for Women in Business, Apply Now.
About Zonta International women Scholarship: Women studying business who have shown exceptional promise in the sector are given the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships. Up to 37 overseas scholarships worth $5,000 are available from Zonta International. The local Zonta club will accept applications from any woman enrolled in a business program at an […]
St Andrews Distance Learning Scholarship for Afghanistan students, Apply Now
About the Republic of Slovak scholarship: The grant is solely offered to Afghan students who want to start the distance-learning MSc TESOL program at St. Andrew’s. The scholarship grant will cover all tuition costs for the distance-learning MSc TESOL program. Scholarship details: Benefits of the Scholarship: Documents requirement: Students must provide the following documentation to […]

Scholarship at Padua University in Italy, Application is Open Now
About Padua University Scholarship: 53 scholarships are available from the University of Padua to exceptionally gifted applicants who want to study for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree that is entirely offered in English in Padua. The scholarship program has a strict selection process. Only those with the best accomplishments and academic records are eligible to […]
128 new vacancies announced by the Ministry of Transport.
About the ministry of Transport and Aviation: The Ministry of Transport is one of the key ministries of services and revenues in the government formation structure, in charge of strengthening, designing, controlling, and managing the road transport system in a more effective, artificial, feasible, environmentally friendly manner, and directing better services at the national and […]
The University of Michigan Dearborn scholarship in the USA.
About the University of Michigan Dearborn Scholarship: For the University of Michigan Dearborn Scholarship 2023–2024 in the United States, applications are requested. The University of Michigan-Dearborn accepts applications for its international undergraduate scholarships from students from all around the world. All students are eligible to apply for bachelor’s degree scholarships to pursue their education in […]
66 new Social Mobilizers positions at ORCD Organization.
About ORCD: A collection of community development and research experts created the non-profit, non-profitable, and autonomous Organization for Research & Community Development (ORCD) in 2010. The organization’s mission is to support Afghanistan’s transformation into a vital member of the global community. Building local competencies, gathering data across a range of disciplines, supporting evidence-based best practices, […]
Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship in Germany, the application is now open.
About Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship: For the 2023–24 Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship in Germany, submissions are welcome. All global and overseas students are eligible to apply for the 2023 Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships. The Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarships are available in Germany and include undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees. Students from any subject area are […]