About Moore Afghanistan:
Moore’s mission is to help people thrive, including our customers, employees, and the communities where they live and work. We’re a worldwide accounting and consulting family with over 30,000 individuals working in over 260 separate businesses in 110 countries, connecting and cooperating to meet your local, national, and international needs. When you engage with Moore companies, you’ll be working with individuals that genuinely care about your success and have the desire and devotion to get results for you and your company. In comparison to many other organizations, you’ll have more access to senior knowledge. We’ll be there for you whenever you need us, guiding you through the maze of information, guiding your decisions, and ensuring you don’t miss out on anything. To assist you in thriving in a rapidly changing environment.
Vacancy details:
- Announced date: December 15, 2021
- Closing date: December 22, 2021
- Number of vacancies: 8.
- Reference Number: 0510.
- Category: Engineering.
- Organization: Moor Afghanistan.
- Gender: Male and Female.
- Salary: 1200$ to 1300$ per months.
- Work experience: 1-3 years need work experience.
- Type of work: full time.
- Location: Kabul, Nangarhar, Bamyan, Paktya, Kunduz, Balkh, Kandahar, Herat.
Summary of the Job:
In Mazar, Herat, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Kabul, Kunduz, Bamiyan, and Gardiz, 8 Field Engineers are needed to help with the implementation of Area Based Project operations. Field Engineers provide support to the Field Coordinators. Their key responsibilities include collecting data from the field and conducting surveys, as well as planning, designing, and monitoring initiatives on the ground. They will help UNDP and the community coordinates the activities that will be carried out in the eight provinces stated above. The incumbents will work with the Field Coordinator to ensure that implementation issues are minimized by coordinating with the provincial government. The incumbents will be responsible for giving full support in the execution of UNDP ABP operations in their respective areas, with the project’s headquarters providing any necessary technical help.
Job responsibilities:
- The Field Engineer will operate directly under the direction of the Field Coordinator and in close collaboration with the ABADEI program’s director.
- The following are the roles and responsibilities of the field engineer:
- Conduct survey, design, and feasibility studies of selected community-based projects; assist communities in mobilising labour and construction materials;
- prepare/review building designs, including drawings, specifications, and Bills of Quantities, and ensure International Standards/Norms (IBC) for quality and safety.
- Providing construction supervision and quality control; preparing tender papers for procurement services and works connected to infrastructures;
- providing frequent reports and presentations to Senior Management and Client Personnel as needed.
- Assume responsibility for the infrastructures’ implementation.
- Prepare and assist in the creation of the TOR, bidding papers, requests for proposals/quotations, and bid assessment reports for the procurement of civil works, items, and technical support services in collaboration with the procurement team.
- Prepare the aa infrastructure projects’ operations and maintenance programme; ensuring that environmental mitigation measures are incorporated as part of the infrastructure in coordination with the Field Coordinator and Program Analyst.
- Create an inventory of current irrigation and water resources infrastructure, then conduct a condition survey, establish the hydraulic characteristic, and inspect the structural integrity of each facility.
- Detailed design of canal system rehabilitation and upgrade, accompanying structures (new and existing), flood protection works, and other engineering infrastructure.
- Performing surface water studies and engineering design for irrigation infrastructure such as dams, intake syphons, various types of canals, protection walls, flumes, and other similar structures.
- Hydrology, pipe systems, and channel flow assessment and modelling.
- Managing technical concerns with projects and working with regulators and client connections.
- Assisting with environmental studies and projects including resource management.
- Contract management and construction supervision.
- Regular field supervision is required to assure full compliance with technical, social, and environmental requirements during implementation.
- In technical and social problems, communicate with other regional offices and appropriate Community Development Councils (CDCs).
- Prepare/compile periodic progress reports in cooperation with the field coordinator, using the specified format, and submit to the Supervisor for evaluation.
- Encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences acquired amongst the four provinces in terms of technological, social, and environmental issues.
- Promote smooth working relationships at the regional level with counterparts and other relevant entities, and report to the direct supervisor on a regular basis.
- Writing technical reports is a job that requires a lot of time and effort.
- Ensure that designs and deliverables meet the scope of work and contract criteria.
Job qualification and requirement:
- Bachelor’s degree in irrigation or civil engineering from a nationally recognized educational institution is required.
- Experience and skills: A bachelor’s degree and at least 1-3 years of practical experience are required.
- Proven track record of providing assessments and analyses of irrigation infrastructure-related operations.
- Strong knowledge and grasp of Afghanistan’s subnational institutional frameworks.
- Ability to speak, read, and write technical and conversational English; ability to quickly grasp new terminology and concepts; ability to integrate information from several sources into a coherent project document.
- Ability to negotiate successfully in high-stakes scenarios.
- Skill in persuading, influencing, and working with people to achieve outcomes; skill in successfully and efficiently managing meetings and resolving issues as they emerge.
- Good team player, self-starter, and able to work with minimal supervision while maintaining positive connections.
How to Apply:
Candidates that meet the qualifications should send a cover letter and resume. Save documents (cover letter, résumé, and references) in one PDF as ‘Last Name First Name.pdf’ (e.g., Smith Jane.pdf) and include “Field Engineer- and specified the province in the email subject line.
On a rolling basis, applications will be reviewed. Only those candidates who have been chosen for interviews will be contacted. Moore is a non-discriminatory employer.
Submission Email: