about scholarship:

HSF’s flagship project, the Hanns Seidel Scholarship Program (HSSP): Support for Afghan Refugees in Pakistan, aims to improve regional stability in Pakistan-Afghanistan by providing long-term support to young, talented Afghan students registered as refugees in Pakistan and enrolled in Pakistani universities. These Afghan students will be able to fund their university educations, receive additional training in key areas in addition to their studies, gain valuable professional experience through on-the-job training, and use their newly gained knowledge regionally thanks to the HSSP.

Scholarship details:

  • Deadline: no deadline.
  • Number of scholarships: 30
  • Host country: Pakistan.
  • assist by: Hanns Seidel Fundation.
  • Nationality: Afghan.
  • Program Degree: Undergraduate and Master’s degrees.
  • Type of scholarship: fully funded.

Scholarship benefits:

  • Per student, a scholarship stipend of 30,000.00 PKR per month is currently available.
  • For academic purposes, each scholarship recipient will receive one laptop (which must be returned to HSF before the end of the funding period).
  • As conceptual support, there have been numerous HSSP trainings, events, and activities.
  • On-the-job training for Afghan refugee students to prepare them for future careers in their native country.
  • Applications are accepted all year – there is no deadline!
  • All of these advantages are usually available till the present degree program is completed.

Documents requirement:

  • The application Form has been completed.
  • Letter of Coverage (maximum 2 pages describing why you would be a perfect fit and worthy recipient of this scholarship, including all academic achievements, social activities, accomplishments and future plans).
  • A concise curriculum vitae.
  • A brief letter of recommendation from an academic advisor (2 pages max).
  • a photograph of yourself
  • a POR scan Card showing proof of registration.
  • a copy of your high school diploma and intermediate diploma (equivalence certificate for students who have studied at Afghan schools).
  • Proof of enrollment in a university in Pakistan that has been approved by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).
  • Transcripts from the previous semester.

 Who is eligible to apply?

  • POR cardholders from Afghanistan who live in Pakistan
  •  and are enrolled in a full-time
  • academic degree program (undergraduate or graduate)
  • In Pakistan, at any HEC-accredited university

Who are we on the lookout for?

  • Outstanding academic performance.
  • Contributions to the Pakistani refugee community are examples of social involvement.
  • The roles of social multipliers include fostering debate through network engagement.
  • Willingness to participate in HSF Pakistan, National Dialogue Forum, and their partners’ democratic, intellectual, and professional training initiatives.
  • Interest in preparing for and attending regional stability-related national and international events.

How to Apply

Eligible and interested candidates should send the above documents as a single PDF file in the correct order (1-9) to the following email address. for more information please visit the official of the Hanns Seidel Scholarship program.

to find the latest opportunity visit our home page website.

Submission Email:

[email protected]

Application Form

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