Zhang Fucai, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, 2019-2020, Ph.D., Master’s degree and Postdoctoral

Release time: 2019-11-11

Research group introduction

Developed high-space and high-time resolution new optics, X-ray and electron microscopy imaging technologies for applications such as materials science and biomedicine. Specific research directions include coherent modulation imaging, (scanning) coherent diffraction imaging, and digital holography. It is planned to recruit 2 post-doctoral students, 2020 doctoral students (1 to 2), master students (1 to 2) and research assistants. Understanding and using TEM experience is preferred, and computing background is preferred. Students and researchers interested in computing imaging (especially X-ray, electronics) are welcome to join the research group. The members of the research team will have the opportunity to carry out experimental research work on large-scale light source devices and high-performance electron microscopes at home and abroad.

Personal webpage: http://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/zhangfc/

Ph.D., Master’s Admissions (PhD registration deadline November 24)

1) Enrollment method: application-assessment, application registration website: South University of Science and Technology recruits https://gs.sustech.edu.cn/boshi2020/1742 and Harbin Institute of Technology joint training engineering doctors https://gs.sustech.edu. Cn/boshi2020/1746

2) Online registration and application materials submission time: November 5th – November 24th

3) Application conditions: See the link above. Applicants must meet the conditions for admission as specified in the Graduate Admissions Guide of Southern University of Science and Technology;

4) Research direction: computational optics and computational imaging; coherent imaging microscopy; synchrotron X-ray measurement and imaging; electron microscopy; robot vision;

5) Background requirements: Research experience in related fields such as optics, physics, mathematics, computer or biomedical image processing. It is preferred to publish more than one SCI English paper in the capacity of the first author.

Specific program consultant: 0755-88015143, [email protected] (Mr. Song)

0755-88010484,88015888,[email protected] (Graduate School)

Treatment: South University of Science and Technology provides a generous scholarship for doctoral students (doctoral scholarship standard is 80,000 yuan per year basic scholarship plus 20,000 yuan per year competition scholarship), superior accommodation (independent single room) and first-class research and experimental conditions . During the course of the course, you will receive at least one opportunity for overseas exchanges, as well as the services of the Student Entrepreneurship Fund and the Student Entrepreneurship Innovation Platform; those with outstanding performance can recommend to a well-known foreign university for a six-year to one-year exchange study.

Postdoctoral: Annual salary after tax is 34-41 million

I. Application conditions

1. Basic requirements

1) Engineering or physics subject areas, including but not limited to optical information science and technology, precision instruments, optical engineering, electronic engineering, computer engineering, and optics, applied physics, computational mathematics, etc., have obtained or are about to obtain a doctorate

2) Being honest, positive, doing things seriously, having a team spirit, loving scientific research, diligent efforts, initiative, and strong initiative

3) Ability to communicate in English and be able to complete the writing of research papers with high quality

4) Published a high level research paper in the international journal as the first author

2. Age & graduation years limit:

According to the newly released “Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Reforming and Improving the Postdoctoral System”, post-doctoral inbound must meet two rigid rules: 1) under 35 years of age; 2) no more than 3 years of Ph.D.

Remarks: It is generally about 1-2 months for the applicant to enter the station to get the “inbound notice” of the provincial people’s social bureau or the human and social office of the partner. The interested party needs to contact and submit the application materials in advance. In addition, those with computational imaging research background (theory, or experiment) and overseas research experience, those with spherical high-resolution TEM experience, those with synchrotron radiation imaging experience, those with ultra-fast spectroscopy experimental background, and understand and use Experience in TEM is a priority.

Second, the outbound conditions

Published 1 paper in the JCR journal, or 2 papers in the JCR second district journal, or 4 papers in the JCR third and fourth district journals.

Remarks: Refer to the Chinese Academy of Sciences division, regardless of size, high or low. For example, A journal is a large-scale physics area, and a small class optical second area; B journal is a large-scale engineering technology area 2, a small class of instrumentation and area. Then the papers published in the two journals A and B are counted in one district.

Third, the treatment during the appointment period

1. Basic treatment:

1) The monthly salary of postdoctoral researchers is 8677 yuan and the housing subsidy is 2800 yuan.

2) After entering the station, the Shenzhen Municipal Government will issue a post-doctoral allowance of 180,000 yuan (tax exemption), and then issue 180,000 yuan after the mid-term assessment;

3) Meal supplement, high temperature subsidy and holiday fees, etc., about 10,000 yuan per year.

Remarks: A) The annual payment of 180,000 tax-free allowances in Shenzhen City is as follows: a) After the successful entry procedure, the report will be opened, and the opening report will be issued 180,000 yuan once; b) After the mid-term assessment, 180,000 will be issued once. The mid-term assessment depends on whether the work of the cooperative tutor is carefully carried out, and the cooperation tutor decides whether to pass it. 2) The basic salary of 8677 yuan per month is required to pay five insurance and one gold, and the basic salary of 8677 yuan and the housing subsidy of 2800 yuan are deducted. A small amount of tax, the remaining salary components are tax-free;

In addition, for the newly introduced talents in Shenzhen, you can also apply for a one-time rental and living allowance of 30,000 yuan (tax exemption) for newly introduced talents in Shenzhen, equivalent to an additional subsidy of 15,000 yuan/year during the two-year period;

If you are a very good person, you can apply for a research assistant professor (by the opportunity to judge the master guide), or the principal of the post-excellent blog post (70,000 higher than the average post-doctoral income).

2. Benefits:

1) The research team provides research funding support for postdocs, as well as excellent work and office environment;

2) The post-doctoral post in each subject group can receive 25,000 yuan of academic exchange fees for two years;

3) The research team will provide corresponding research performance rewards for postdocs according to the performance of specific scientific research work;

4) Post-doctoral personnel can enter the station and voluntarily choose to settle in Shenzhen. Their spouses and minor children can apply for relocation;

5) Post-doctoral children’s enrollment and enrollment are carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations of Shenzhen.

3. Other support:

1) The research team fully supports post-doctoral applications as a responsible person for the post-doctoral science fund, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth and Surface Project), and various issues in Guangdong and Shenzhen;

2) Those who have overseas study experience or have a foreign doctorate can refer to the Shenzhen High-level Professionals “Certification Standard Application for Peacock Plan Talents”, with an incentive allowance of 1.6 million (distributed in 5 years, tax-free);

3) Excellent doctors who have graduated or recently graduated, according to the Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Plan issued by the National Postdoctoral Management Committee, the postdoctoral candidate who has obtained the support of the “Boxin Plan” can receive the subsidy of 600,000 yuan per person per year. (of which 400,000 yuan is the post-doctoral fund and 200,000 yuan is the post-doctoral science fund). For specific application conditions and application procedures, please refer to the “Notice of the National Postdoctoral Management Committee on Doing a Good Job in the Post-Doctoral Innovation Talent Support Program for 2019”;

Remarks: New or recent PhD: 2019 graduates or full-time PhDs within 3 years of Ph.D.

4. Career prospects:

1) Those who have excellent performance and meet the requirements can be employed as research assistant professors after the expiration of the employment period;

2) After the postdoctoral station, he chose to stay in Shenzhen for scientific research, and signed a labor (employment) contract with the city’s enterprises and institutions for more than three years. The Shenzhen Municipal Government gave a scientific research start-up fund of 300,000 yuan per person;

3) According to the conditions that meet the requirements, you can apply for “Shenzhen Peacock Plan C Talents” or “Shenzhen Reserve Talents” and enjoy the reward allowance of 1.6 million for five years (tax exemption).

Remarks: The identification of “Peacock Plan C Talents” and “Shenzhen Reserve Talents” can be determined by reference to “Shenzhen Overseas High-level Talents” and “Shenzhen High-level Professional Talents” promulgated by Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. standard. a) General requirements to sign labor (employment) contracts with enterprises and institutions in the city for more than 3 years; b) “Peacock Plan C talents” require overseas experience + 3 articles in JCR area; c) “Reserve level talents” request The National Natural Science Foundation of China or the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and complete the project, or apply for a post-stay job for 3 years.

Application materials

Detailed resume, including learning, work and research experience, major research results (such as papers, certificate of achievement or rewards), and other materials that can demonstrate research capabilities.

Interested parties are welcome to contact or send resume to email: [email protected]