About the Hilde Domin Scholarship Program:

The Federal Foreign Office funds the Hilde Domin Scholarship Program, which is administered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (AA). The program’s goal is to help students and doctoral candidates from all over the world who run the risk of having their rights to education or other rights violated in their home country and to give them the chance to start or finish a study or research degree at a German higher education institution.

Candidates for doctoral degrees who are nominated and approved under the program will be enrolled in degree programs of their choice and by their credentials. They will also receive a stipend sufficient to cover the costs incurred during their study or research stay.

Scholarship Details:

  • Location: Germany.
  • Program Degree: Undergraduate, Master, and Ph.D.
  • Support by: DAAD organization.
  • Type of Scholarship: fully funded.
  • Nationality: All National.


Summer 2024 is the scheduled semester to begin studies below:

  • March 15, 2024, is the deadline for nominations.
  • March 19, 2024 – April 16, 2024 is the application period.
  • Announcement of results: from 04 July 2024 onwards

Winter 2025–2026 is the scheduled semester to begin studies:

  • Nominations: until 15 September 2024
  • Application period: 19 September until 28 October 2024


Students and Ph.D. candidates worldwide* who run the danger of having their access to higher education formally or informally refused because of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion, as well as their participation in politics or other civic activities. The DAAD defines political, civic, and similar involvement as group or individual activities founded on liberal and democratic values to promote constructive social change in communities.

Scholarship Benefits:

  • Monthly allowance.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students pay 861 EUR and 1,200 EUR pay for doctoral students.
  • Insurance for sickness or accidents.
  • Based on provision for travel costs.
  • German language classes are free.
  • Additional monetary advantages.

Another Education Benefits:

  • obtain completely financed doctoral, master’s, and undergraduate education.
  • You’ll be granted a German student visa.
  • Along with education, you can work part-time.
  • You are also welcome to travel to Germany with your spouse and kids.
  • After graduation, you won’t have to leave Germany.
  • You’ll get predetermined monthly stipends.

Scholarship Eligibility:

  • The applicants should be at least 18 years old.
  • the state of personal risk or peril within one’s own country.
  • academic successes, such as credentials that enable university entrance or prior degrees that may be applied to the current study.
  • Germany should not have lived more than 15 months.
  • English and German language proficiency.

Note: Proof of enrollment in a study course or degree program at a German higher education institution by the application deadline is required for nominations in the academic categories of fine arts, performing arts, design, visual communication, music, cinema, and architecture.

Documents requirements for HDS:

  • application form online.
  • Authentic identity document (passport or similar)
  • a table-based resume or curriculum vitae (CV).
  • motivation letter (1 to 3 pages) Condition of Risk (A threat or risk to your well-being, particularly your right to education, and the safety of your life in general, is indicated by the state of risk)
  • evidence of academic success or graduation.
  • German or English language proficiency certificates that are no older than two years and at least at level B2.
  • evidence of admission to German universities.
  • informational documents on one’s present academic status (bachelor, master, or doctoral student).

How to Apply:

To be nominated for the Hilde domain scholarship program, students must first apply to a German higher education institution and get a letter of acceptance/admission.

For more information, please visit the official website of the DAAD Scholarship program also you can download the Hild Domain scholarship program PDF format available. HERE

International program

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