Afghan refugees without refugee status from the UNHCR or another country may be sponsored through a special scheme.

Afghan refugees who reside outside of their country of origin and satisfy the criteria for Convention Refugees* or Country of Asylum Refugees* may apply for a specific immigration program, claims Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). This initiative primarily serves Afghans who lack an RSD from the UNHCR or another foreign state.

IRCC accepts sponsorship from groups of five Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are at least 18 years old as well as from community sponsors like associations, businesses, and organizations that promise to assist a refugee for the duration of the sponsorship, which is typically at least one year. In order to sponsor a refugee, a community sponsor might work in collaboration with a person or another organization.

This programme for refugees from Afghanistan will begin on October 17, 2022, and continue until October 17, 2023.

Immigrants’ details:

  • Announced date: October 17, 2022.
  • Deadline: October 17, 2023.
  • Host country: Canada.
  • Sponsored by: government of Canada.
  • Gender: any.
  • Financial type: Sponsorship.
  • Nationality: All nationality.
  • The number of opportunities: 3000.

Benefits of this Program:

Afghan refugees can live, educate, and work in Canada and qualify for permanent residency when applying to this specific immigration category.

Financial benefits:

  • The EMPP will facilitate the skilled refugees.
  • be qualified for a program involving economic immigration.
  • Take advantage of the waived application and biometric expenses.
  • Take advantage of the free pre-departure medical treatments and examinations offered to candidates by the Interim Federal Health Program.
  • Utilize a loan to meet your financial obligations when you arrive in Canada.
  • have access to the Immigration Loans Program to pay for their start-up expenses, permanent residency fee, and travel expenses.

Immigrants’ eligibility:

Candidates who apply as refugees without RSD must fulfill the following qualifying requirements:

  • qualify for becoming a country of asylum refugee and a refugee under the Convention.
  • sponsored by a community sponsor, such as a group of five people, an association, or a business.
  • For at least a year in Canada, the sponsors must cover all of the refugee’s bills and expenses.
  • Should have passed the medical examinations and check-ups and not have a history of a security or criminal offenses.
  • Must satisfy any further qualifying conditions as necessary.

Before Appling, Sponsor, what should you do?

There are a few things supporters must do before applying to bring a refugee to Canada through this specific program:

  • Check to see if they qualify for sponsorship. Complete the training program for sponsoring refugees (RSTP). 
  • They have a better understanding of their obligations and who they may support as refugees thanks to this training.
  • By completing the applications and supplying the necessary documentation, they may submit their application to sponsor a refugee. 
  • The application package is available here.
  • begin submitting their application for this program on October 17, 2022.
  • Supporters can send their application and any necessary paperwork to the email or postal address provided in the instructions provided by their sponsoring group. Use appropriate subject lines, please: For a team of five, use the following email subject line: For community sponsors, please use the subject line G5 Afghan PSR [principal applicant’s FAMILY NAME, first name] and the email body as follows: CS Afghan PSR [FAMILY NAME, FIRST NAME] of the primary applicant

How to Apply:

Submit your whole application to the postal or email address provided in the instructions provided by your sponsored organization. Please ensure that you adhere to the precise requirements below if you submit your application through email.

If you send your application by email follow the below steps:

If you submit your application through email, you must use a specified subject line.

Five applications in a group:

Use this as your email topic. G5 Afghan PSR [FAMILY NAME, FIRST NAME] of the primary applicant.

applications for community sponsors:

Use the following email subject line: CS Afghan PSR [FAMILY NAME, FIRST NAME] of the primary applicant.

Note: We won’t receive your email if it is larger than 10 MB, including attachments. Before attaching each document to your email, try compressing it. Follow the directions in your guide to send your application in two or more emails if your email is still more than 10 MB.

Important Note: Ensure the accuracy of your information.

You must let us know if:

  • Once you apply, your phone number or address change.
  • The sponsored refugee(s) transfers.

If any of this information changes, please let us know by following the directions in your sponsorship application guide.

For more information, please visit the official website Canadian Immigration Refugee Program.

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