About DAAD Scholarship at The University of Central Asia (UCA):
Studying for a Master’s degree at UCA is possible with the help of DAAD scholarships. The BMZ, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, presents funding for the initiative. The American University of Central Asia and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) have reached an agreement wherein the former would provide up to thirty scholarships for the latter’s Master’s program in the year 2024.
Scholarship Details:
- Scholarship Deadline for UCA: March 29, 2024.
- Location: Kyrgyzstan.
- Host University: University of Central Asia.
- Provider: DAAD Organization.
- Eligible Countries: Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan.
- Program degree: Master’s degree.
- Type of scholarship: fully funded.
Scholarship Documents Requirement:
- Completed DAAD application form (found on the DAAD website).
- resume, which should include a list of publications if applicable
- The host university’s admittance letter.
- University degree certificates, including transcripts, in a certified form.
- A letter that serves to inspire.
- A copy of your passport.
- You may be required to provide supplementary materials with your application, such as documentation of your internships or work.
Scholarship Eligibility:
- The candidate has to have a bachelor’s degree.
- The candidate must demonstrate their motivation and commitment.
- Shows competence in the English language.
- Applicants from Afghanistan or Kyrgyzstan is required to have permanent residence status.
- Typically, applicants must have earned a bachelor’s degree within the past six years.
- Have a Master’s degree acceptance letter from the American University of Central Asia, valid for the 2020–2024 academic year.
Scholarship Duration:
- The Master’s degree generally continues for two years and begins in August of 2024.
- The host institution and the DAAD agree on the typical duration of the study and the beginning date.
Benefits of the Scholarship:
- Monthly Scholarship Accommodation and food pay 550 Euro.
- Study and research allowance pay 92 Euro.
- Tuition fee.
- Health insurance. 175 Euro.
- Travel allowance.
How to Apply:
The Application process is online, submit your application in DAAD Application Portal.
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