about the program:

The Australian government started yesterday (Wednesday, August 18, 2021) that an initial 3,000 humanitarian slots will be awarded to Afghan people as part of Australia’s 13,750 annual programs.

Within the offshore humanitarian program, Australia will offer Afghan citizens first priority and grant them visa processing priority in the coming year.

The 3,000 humanitarian spots will be dedicated to Australian family members, persecuted minorities like women and girls, children, the Hazara, and other marginalized groups.

The 3,000 humanitarian spots, according to Alex Hawke MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, will ensure Australia continues to meet its enduring commitment to the Afghan people.

Minister Hawke said, “These 3,000 humanitarian spaces are on top of the 8,500 Afghans Australia has successfully placed since 2013 through our existing humanitarian program.”

“The government hopes that this initial amount will be increased during the year,” he said.

“And for those coming here under this program, Australia has a highly successful humanitarian resettlement program that will help all Afghan refugees flourish in their new life in Australia,” he added.

“In the coming weeks, I will continue to engage with Australian-Afghan community teams to identify individuals most at risk,” he added, focusing on family members, minorities, women, children, and other vulnerable and persecuted groups.

The announcement of aid for Afghanistan made yesterday is consistent with Australia’s history as one of the world’s most generous humanitarian resettlement countries.

Despite the fact that Australia has a significant humanitarian program, our strategy to preventing people smuggling remains unaltered. Those who enter Australia illegally by water will not be able to stay there permanently.

The safety and security of Australia have always been a top consideration during visa processing. All candidates must continue to meet visa standards in terms of character, security, and health.

download the application form of 842 Australia.

download the application form of 681 Australia

2 thoughts on “Australia grants 3,000 humanitarian visas to Afghans

  1. My Name is Mohammad .My last Name is Behroz and my father Name is mohammad Ali I working with save the children projects
    So I want to travel to Australia because I am in Kabul, afghanistan , and we very much in danger and we are threatened by the Taliban , so we had to leave our house and move to another place .we urge you to transfer us from Afghanistan to Australia as soon as possible
    Phone Number:0093775568252

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