About Scholarship:

Ghent University’s Special Research Fund (BOF) Doctoral Scholarship is presently accepting applications. Every year, the Flemish Government awards Ghent University research funding in order to carry out the Flemish Government’s Resolution of December 21, 2012. Following this resolution1, Ghent University drafted rules and regulations for the Special Research Fund (BOF Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds). The Research Council welcomes research ideas for a variety of programs every year. New Ph.D. fellowships are granted each year to pre-doctoral scholars who want to finish their doctorate in four years. In 2022, the Special Research Fund will grant about 50 Ph.D. scholarships.

Scholarship details:

  • Deadline: April 28, 2022.
  • Started date: October 10, 2022.
  • Number of scholarships: 50.
  • Host country: Belgium.
  • University: Ghent & United Nation University
  • Program degree: Ph.D.
  • Duration: depends on how well the scholarship winner performs (1+3 Year).
  • Result announced: September 2, 2022.

Scholarship benefits:

  • Depending on the scholar’s family situation, the scholarship is valued roughly € 2,252 per month.
  • The promoter is paid a monthly bench fee of € 310 for running expenses.
  • The doctoral program begins with a one-year scholarship agreement, according to the requirements for Ph.D. scholarship holders.

Scholarship criteria:

  • Only applicants who will be eligible to apply for an FWO Fellowship FOB/SB on March 1, 2023 will be considered.
  • There are no restrictions on nationality, age, or study topic.
  • Applicants for a BOF doctoral fellowship must be current Ph.D. scholarship holders or scientific researchers who fulfil the FWO norms and standards.
  • Do not apply for a scholarship for a project that they are currently working on.
  • Selected applicants in 2022 who are eligible to reapply for the BOF doctoral fellowship in 2023 must apply the following year for this grant.
  • The following qualifying requirements for the BOF doctoral mandate, according to the FWO’s current eligibility criteria:
  • Applicants for the FWO in 2023 must have completed a master’s degree or its equivalent at least three years prior to the deadline (March 1, 2023).
  • Candidates should have a maximum of 18 months of scientific experience by March 1, 2023.
  • At the commencement of the FWO fellowship, candidates must have a certificate equivalent to a master’s degree, given by competent institutions in one of the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom, or Switzerland.
  •  Candidates may apply for a potential fellowship with the FWO no more than twice, and they must have never obtained an FWO fellowship, even if it was partially funded. Visit the FWO website to learn more about the FWO Fellowship Fundamental Research.

How to apply:

  • Applications for a BOF PhD award must be submitted using the application forms available and submitted to [email protected] via e-mail.
  • The application’s promoter must submit a “advice promoter” document as well as a “questionnaire on the planned research project’s ethical and biosafety context.”
  • Please read the call materials carefully and use them as a guide when crafting your application, which may be found at the bottom of this page.

For more information, please visit the official website of The BOF scholarship program.

Call and Application forms:

  • download the application form: HERE
  • For the candidate: apply for a BOF doctoral scholarship. HERE
  • For the promotor: complete the advice promotor. HERE
  • For the promotor: complete the questionnaire about the ethical and biosafety context of the proposed research project. HERE

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