about Administrative Office of the President(AOP)

The Administrative Office of the President is established as an independent budget unit within the existing government system of Afghanistan, under the supervision of H.E the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, to work towards a transparent, active, and corruption-free government operating in accordance with the relevant regulations. The Administrative Office is responsible for coherence and coordination of government affairs; also, providing professional assistance to H.E the President in three branches of the government.
details about vacancy

Date post: April 19, 2021

Closing date: April 29, 2021

Organization: administrative office of the president (AOP)

Number of job: 24

Gender: any

Nationality: Afghan

position: administrative officer

Salary: NTA salary grad E

Education level: for bachelor degree will be prepared

Work experience: 1 years

Location: Badakhshan, Badghis, Balkh, Daikundi, Farah, Faryab, Ghazni, Ghor, Helmand, Herat, Jawzjan, Kandahar, Khost, Kunar, Kunduz, Nimroz, Nuristan, Uruzgan, Paktia, Samangan, Sarpol, Takhar, Zabul, Paktika.

Reference number: AOP-PMD-004

Job summary

The purpose of the task

 follow-up all documents (rulings and orders, suggestions, inquiries, notes, letters, instructions etc.)

bring all the documents from relevant department making a file and arrange them according to the law and regulation.

Duties and responsibility

  • Arranging the annual (yearly) work plan with a general plan to achieve the set goal.
  • Register all documents when sending and receiving.
  • If necessary, prepare a list of documents including (suggestions, questions, letters, and notes) for top managers to reviewing then submit it.
  • Following the documents in the relevant department for the implementation and process.
  • Arranging a regular database for sending and receiving documents.
  • Sending all documents including (letters, suggestions, inquiries, notes, rulings and orders of the relevant department and branches for further implementation and process.
  • Arranging a regular document filing system for quick and easy access to it.
  • Execute all ODF documents.
  • Maintaining the confidentiality of documents and secrets of the branch, having cooperation and good relations with colleagues and clients.
  • Arrangement and execute the report for the manager.

Job requirements

  • For bachelor degree will be prepared
  • Applicants must have at least one year’s work experience.

Skills requirement

  • Applicants must be professional at least in one national language and knowledge of English.
  • Applicants must be knowing computer programs (MS Office, MS window, and the internet).

Submission guideline

Eligible candidates can send their CV with work experience and educational documents convert in to Pdf in the following email address.


Applicants must mention in subject line of email address (vacancy number, province and position tittle).

Submission email:

[email protected]

1 thought on “job announcement by the Administrative Office of the President(AOP)

  1. از علوم اجتماعی وجغرافیا به سال ۱۳۹۳از پوهنځی تعلیم وتربیه ولایت هرات فارغ گردیدم به انگلیسی وکمپیتوتر آشنائی کامل دارم استعدادم به فعلیتهای اجتماعی وکارهای تیمی بسیار خوب است وکار کردم املاء وانشاء من کاملآ خوب است به مدت سه سال هم درسکتور خصوصی وهم در دولتی تجربه کاری دارم واکنون علاقه مند هستم درابن اداره هم خالصانه وبا پشتکار و وفادارانه وانجام وظیفه نمایم

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