About ministry of public works

Ministry of public works one of the government organizations that vision is to make an efficient, safe road network in Afghanistan, includes planning, designing, national highway, regional highway, implementing and monitoring that form major transportation for the people of Afghanistan.

The ministry of public works is a mission to make and utilize leadership to implement the work experience and use the sources and information in cooperation with other organizations and to consider the economic capabilities, improving the quality of life in Afghanistan.

The ministry of public work managing the activity is related to the transportation that which include making standard, train, research and giving a technical consultation.

The responsibilities of the ministry of public works are to making and protecting from the highway of Afghanistan Ministry of Public Works as a basic and significant alimenting of the National Transportation System has a role in devise programs and policies and allocating resources to facilitate the development and maintenance of roads in Afghanistan.

 About the jobs

Publish date: 3 April 2021                               closing date: 18 April 2021

Number of vacancies: 27                                gender: Male/ Female

Contract type: 1 years’                                               work type: Full time

Salary range: NTA                                           work experience: 1-4 years

References:  MoPW/SRTAP/RAMS/1400-03  Nationality: Afghan

Job Location: Afghanistan, Kabul, Kapisa, Parwan, Wardak, Logar, Nangarhar, Laghman, Panjshir, Baghlan, Bamyan, Ghazni, Paktika, Paktya, Khost, Konar, Nooristan, Badakhshan, Takhar, Kunduz, Samangan, Balkh, Sar-e-Pul, Ghor, Daykundi, Urozgan, Zabul, Kandahar, Jawzjan, Faryab, Helmand, Badghis, Herat, Farah, Nimroz


  • Assist engineers in inventory checks and be sure to fill out a template
  • Assist engineers in filling out inspection forms using survey equipment, capture images/videos, make drawings/plans.
  • Assist engineers in transcription details of prevalent faults and any preventive or corrective maintenance activities previously performed.
  • Keeping the hard and soft data of the road structures like photos, maps, drawing, etc.
  • Keeping all data of the roadway in one folder
  • Assist engineers in quality processing (QC) and quality assessment (QA) by the inspection guide.
  • Assist engineers in estimating unit quantity and price for repairs as needed.
  • Assist engineers in conducting IRI, PSI, etc. surveys
  • Fill in the hazard matrix spreadsheet pages before making trips
  • Participating in the mission which relating the projects (if necessary )
  • Participating in the different training courses or seminars.

Documents Requirement

  • Have a bachelor degree in transportation engineering, civil engineering, and any similar degree
  • Have excellent computer skills in MS office
  • Having one year’s work experience in related fields
  • Having written communication skills in English
  • Be able to travel in all Afghanistan area.
  • Having an afghan ID card
  • The education documents approved by the ministry of higher education
  • Fill the application form for the relevant position
  • CV made in last six month

Submission Guideline

The applicants can send their CV, application form, and another required document to the following email address: [email protected], with mentioning the vacancy number (MoPW/SRTAP/RAMS/1400-03) and position title (Roadway Inventory and Condition Assistant Surveyor) in subject line when you are applying.

Submission Email:

 [email protected]

Office address: SRTAP Office, Railway Building, Kabul Jalalabad Road, in front of KMTC, MoPW, Kabul, Afghanistan.

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