Kazakhstan Government Scholarships 2024–25:
Can you tell me whether the Kazakhstan Government Scholarships 2024–25 are on your radar? It is with much pleasure that we inform you that the government of Kazakhstan has released a restriction on foreign students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in Kazakhstan. Worldwide students may apply for one of five hundred fifty fully-funded scholarships to study at the undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral level in Kazakhstan via the Kazakhstan Government Scholarships program. This article will go over the Kazakhstan Government Scholarship in length, including the information you need to know about the scholarship, the academic programs that are offered, the eligibility conditions, the application process, and the necessary documents. In all, 550 scholarships are up for grabs: 490 are for bachelor’s degree programs, 50 are for master’s, and the remaining 10 are for doctoral programs.
The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has long supported the idea of scholarship opportunities for deserving students so that they may further their education and contribute to society in positive ways
Kazakhstan Government Scholarships 2024–25 Details:
- Announced date: March 30, 2024.
- Deadline: May 30, 2024.
- Location: Kazakhstan
- the number of scholarships: is 490 bachelor’s degrees. 50 master’s and 10 doctoral degrees.
- Sponsored by: Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Level of education: Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.
- Language requirement: international English certificate, French or German language.
Kazakhstan Government Scholarships 2024–25 Benefits:
- Tuition fee.
- monthly stipend based on the candidate’s academic background.
Important Notice: The following expenses related to studying in Kazakhstan must be covered by the students themselves.:
- Travel expenses.
- Travel costs.
- A valid visa and health insurance.
Documents requirements for BS and MS
- Copy of the Tezkera or identity card.
- a copy of a prior level of education document (with transcript and diploma) translated into English, Kazakh, or Russian.
- A motivational letter or essay should be written in English, Russian, or Kazakh.
- a recommendation or reference letter in Kazakh, Russian, or English from the educational institution or workplace where the candidate studied.
- A medical certificate for foreign students, as well as a medical certificate from an official health department in the candidate’s home country stating that the candidate is free of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS illnesses.
- Kazakhstan University’s invitation letter or acceptance letter (if available).
Documents requirements for the doctoral degree:
- Copy of the Tezkera or identity card.
- a copy of a prior level of education document (with transcript and diploma) translated into English, Kazakh, or Russian.
- A motivational letter or essay should be written in English, Russian, or Kazakh.
- a recommendation or reference letter in Kazakh, Russian, or English from the educational institution or workplace where the candidate studied.
- A medical certificate for foreign students, as well as a medical certificate from an official health department in the candidate’s home country stating that the candidate is free of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS illnesses.
- Kazakhstan University’s invitation letter or acceptance letter (if available).
- Research proposal for a Ph.D. in Kazakh, Russian, or English.
- The international certificate refers to linguistic proficiency.
English test score required:
- TOEFL ITP: no less than 460,
- TOEFL IBT: no less than 46,
- TOEFL PBT: no less than 453 score,
- IELTS – no less than 5.5;
German language:
- DSH, Niveau B2,
- TestDaF-Prufung Niveau B2,
French language:
- TFI – not lower than В2 level on reading and listening sections,
- DELF – B2 level,
- DALF – B2 level,
- TCF – no less than 50 scores.
How to Apply
- To begin, complete the online registration form and attach the needed documentation;
- Choose a Kazakhstan university and study program next.
- In addition, an online system will be made available to identify qualified candidates.
- You’ll be required to take part in an online interview.
- Then, whether you were approved or not, the results would be announced.
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