About MEXT Japan Scholarship:
The Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2024 MEXT University Recommendation (UR) Scholarships. This opportunity is open to exceptionally qualified international applicants from those countries approved by MEXT. To promote and increase the active interchange of foreign students at Japanese institutions and to boost their worldwide competition, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan is offering this Award. To be considered for the MEXT Scholarship, interested parties must first submit an application to Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.
Scholarship Details:
- Announced date: September 1, 2023.
- Deadline: November 15, 2023.
- Sponsored by: The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT)
- Host university: The Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU).
- Program degree: Master’s and Ph.D.
- Type of scholarship: fully funded.
Benefits of the Scholarship:
Those selected who receive the award will have the following costs covered:
- Cost of entrance in full.
- The APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship pays for all of your tuition costs.
- Living costs are covered by a monthly stipend of 144,000 JPY (subject to change).
- Beginning and ending the program with economy-class flights between home and APU.
Scholarship Eligibility and Requirement:
The MEXT University Recommendation (UR) Scholarships 2024 are open to those who match the following criteria:
- Plan to attend a Japanese university from outside of Japan.
- Be a citizen of one of the countries specified by the MEXT. HERE.
- Have a date of birth on or after April 2, 1989
- Have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.30 on a 3.00 scale at their most recent institution of higher learning.
Important Note:
- This scholarship is not open to anybody already serving in the military or working for the military as a civilian at the time of application.
- All grantees must be available to go to Japan within the authorized entry time set by APU.
- Applicants who have previously earned a MEXT scholarship will not be considered unless they have more than three years of experience in educational research since the last payment of their prior MEXT scholarship grant.
- No other MEXT scholarships may be held simultaneously with this one.
- While enrolled at APU, beneficiaries of this award are not eligible for any other academic scholarships.
- All award winners must be legally authorized to live and study in Japan under the “student” visa category.
- Only test results obtained on or after March 22, 2022, will be considered valid for the English Proficiency Test.
Application selection process:
- The deadline to apply to Arizona Pacific University for enrollment in September 2024 is November 15, 2023.
- There will be no signups in April. There is no need to submit any further materials in order to be considered for this scholarship.
- APU examines submitted materials and chooses exceptional applicants to propose to MEXT.
- Recommendations for this scholarship are sent out with the final APU application results.
- Complete and submit extra MEXT application paperwork to APU if you are a selected candidate.
- MEXT makes the ultimate scholarship-granting decisions.
How to apply:
Please see the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University website for information regarding MEXT University Recommendation (UR) Scholarships.
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