About the Particip-GmbH
The Particip-KIT Consulting company for Third-Party Performance measurement of Health Services’ overall goal is to measure the performance and progress of the medical system (Sehatmandi) through annual national health hospital assessments (Balanced scorecards (BSC)), semi-annually HMIS Authentication & Usability Assessments (HMIS V/FA), Medication Data Quality (DQA), and Afghanistan COVID-19.
Job Details:
- Post-date: Jun 16, 2021
- Closing date: Jun 23, 2021
- Gender: Any
- Nationality: Afghan
- Organization: Particip GmbH
- Work experience: Two years
- Duration: 2 months
- Type of work: full time
- Salary: as per company scale
- Classification: research
- Number of vacancies: 110
- Vacancy #: VA/2021/Particip/111
- Location: Badakhshan, Badghis, Baghlan, Balkh, Bamyan, Daikundi, Farah, Faryab, Ghazni, Ghor, Helmand, Herat, Jawzjan, Kabul, Kandahar, Kapisa, Khost, Kunar, Kunduz, Laghman, Logar, Nangarhar, Nimroz, Nuristan, Uruzgan, Orzegan Paktia, Panjshir, Parwan, Samangan, Sarpol, Takhar, Wardak, Zabol, Paktika.
Duties and responsibility:
- COVID-19 indicator information is collected from a randomly selected sample of COVID-19 provincial hospitals, District centers/RRTs, and authorized Covid 19 immunization sites.
- Gathers information on the COVID-19 care and surveillance facilities’ functioning (ability and readiness), such as clinical laboratories and vaccines.
- To guarantee the high data quality gathered, review all received data and information (on the spot) for errors or missing information, and return to the facilities for rectification as needed.
- To ensure good information collecting collaborates with local health officials and the community.
- Supports the technical manager in establishing a security strategy to protect the field staff’s safety and protection.
- Keeps updating the field monitor/technical leader on the status of the investigation and any field-related issues.
- After the final check, submits all completed information collecting documents to the office.
- By linking to GPS regularly, it ensures that electronically obtained information is sent to the server.
- As proof of data capture, collects and submits any needed supporting documentation (signed forms, GPS points, pictures, etc.)
- Maintains the security of form and instrumentation, as well as the location of information.
Job requirement:
- The applicants should have a medical background including in the following section (doctors, nurses, midwives, allied health professions, vaccination).
- Previous rounds of Covid-19 with successful completing tasks would be regarded as an asset.
- Proficiency with the English language equivalent of Afghanistan’s 12th grade, which will be assessed before work.
- Be excellent in Dari and Pashto are both written and spoken and be good in English.
- Able and willing to go to all selected healthcare facilities and regions without financial or monetary compensation for accompanying individuals (such as mahram).
- Willing and ready to utilize, when needed, tablets, laptops, the internet, printers, GPS, cameras, and other electronic and soft tools.
Submission email:
Eligible candidates can submit their CV and letter of interest as well as your complete information to our office at the following email address. Do not attach any certificate such as a working certificate, educational certificate, or other additional documents.
Please write in the subject line of the email address: (vacancy number, job title, and province that apply for) otherwise your application will not be considered.

Thank you for your services