The Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan has announced the list of all private universities that are registered in this institution.

Those universities that are not registered with the Ministry of Higher Education do not have their credentials valid. In the following list you can see the verified programs of 39 Public Universities and 127 Private Universities registered by the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan.

Students who are interested in studying in one of the private universities or institutes of higher education in Kabul are advised to read the following list to ensure that their field of study is in the list of fields verified discipline.

List of government university of Afghanistan

1 Kabul University

2 Kabul University of Medical Sciences (Abu Ali Ibn Sina)

3 Kabul Polytechnic University

4 Shahid Ustad Rabbani University of Education

5 Nangarhar University

6 Kandahar University

7 University of Balkh

8 Herat University

9Alberoni University

10 Khost Sheikh Zayed University

11Baghlan University

12Kunduz University

13University of Bamyan

14 Faryab University

15Parwan University
16 Badakhshan University

17 Takhar University

18 Jawzjan University

19 Paktia University

20Ghazni University

21 University of Sayyid Jamaluddin Afghan

22 Laghman University

23 Ghazni Engineering Technical University

24 National University of Technology and SciencesAgriculture of Afghanistan

25 Samangan Higher Education Institute

26 Helmand Higher Education Institute

27 Badghis Higher Education Institute

28 Panjshir Institute of Higher Education

29Paktika Institute of Higher Education

30 Uruzgan Institute of Higher Education

31Sarpol Higher Education Institute

32 Ghor Higher Education Institute

33Farah Higher Education Institute

34 Logar Higher Education Institute

35 Maidan Wardak Higher Education Institute

36 Daikundi Institute of Higher Education

37 Nimroz Higher Education Institute

38 Mirwais Khan Nike Institute of Higher Education, Zabul

39 Nuristan Institute of Higher Education.

Private university in Afghanistan

Click here to see a list of a private university
Second branches of private universities and institutes of higher education. Click here
Private University that has Master’s Degree Programs. Click here

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