About the Trier University Scholarship:

Via sponsorships funding from the Rhineland-Palatinate Scholarship Foundation for International Students and Young Academics and the German Academic Exchange Service, Trier University’s International Office is able to offer financial aid to students. This financial aid’s major objective is to free up time for eligible overseas students to concentrate on their degrees and study. Any overseas student in need of financial aid may submit an application, provided their prior grades were excellent and they were close to finishing their degree.

Scholarship details:

  • Deadline: October 17, 2022.
  • Program Degree: Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. degrees.
  • Location: Germany.
  • Host university: Trier University.
  • Nationality: international students.
  • Type of scholarship: partially funded.

Scholarship eligibility:

if you wish to be taken into consideration for a scholarship.

  • are enrolled at Trier University to pursue a degree but are not German citizens.


  • require financial assistance, and who, based on their current academic standing or the state of their Ph.D. research, are expected to complete their studies in no more than two semesters.

Financial benefits:

  • For students who are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program, up to 350 euros monthly.
  • For students enrolled in degree programs leading to a Magister, Master’s, diploma, or State Exam, up to 400 euros per month.
  • Ph.D. students may be paid up to 450 euros per month.

Duration of the Scholarship:

  • Maximum support period: six months (starting in November 2022) The duration of assistance is often not prolonged.
  • The winner of the award may be finishing up their Bachelor’s, Master’s, or ph.d. degree.

Applications from students are not accepted if they:

  • are temporary or exchange students at Trier University.
  • are enrolled at Trier University but only with the intention of earning an academic certificate rather than a complete degree.
  • either has German nationality or undergrad degrees from German universities.
  • must be paid by BAföG.
  • are being paid in full by the German Academic Exchange Service or another comparable organization as a stipend or scholarship.
  • are intending to finish a study program or a work placement abroad during the scholarship’s duration.
  • are enrolled in the first semester of a one-year Master’s program.

Scholarship selection process:

  • Please be aware that only applications that are completely submitted and include the necessary supporting documentation will be evaluated.
  • A committee made up of members from Trier University and Trier Student Services chooses the recipients of financial aid based on the written application materials.
  • The key selection factors are the student’s likelihood of finishing their education during the scholarship time, their financial need, and their exceptionally high academic standing.
  • Even with a comprehensive application, scholarship funding is not guaranteed.
  • The International Office notifies the candidates in writing of the results of the application procedure.
  • We request that candidates not get in touch with us in advance.

Documents requirement:

  • The application form has been correctly filled out, printed, and signed.
  • current Trier University enrollment certificate.
  • proof of completed courses, modules, and tests.
  • Where required Topic selection for your final dissertation or test registration (s).
  • a tentative schedule for finishing your degree (in monthly steps).
  • CV and passport photograph.
  • proof of current financial status (e.g., pay slip of your partner).
  • a professor’s testimonial

How to apply:

For the academic year 2022–2023, submit an application today to The Trier University International Scholarships in Germany. Send the necessary paperwork to the postal address shown below.

Phone: +49 (0)651 201-3597.

International Office. Universität Trier. D-54286 Trier. Email:  [email protected].

For more information, please visit the official website of the Trier University international scholarship program.

Application form HERE

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