About the new Canadian Immigration Plan:
In order to address the workforce shortfall, Canada has unveiled a significant immigration scheme. This initiative predicts that through 2025, 500,000 workers will come to this nation annually.
The new immigration scheme was unveiled on Tuesday by Canadian Immigration Minister Sean Fraser. The admission and permanent residency of qualified individuals with the necessary job experience is a major focus of this program. Immigrants and family members are included in this program. This program has received support from the opposing conservative party as well.
Fraser emphasized, “Be clear-headed. “The amount of economic immigration to Canada has greatly increased.” The emphasis on economic immigration that is there in this amount of immigration is something we have not before seen, he continued.
According to the revised plan, there will be a wave of immigration, with 465,000 individuals arriving from outside Canada in 2023 and 500,000 in 2025.
In contrast, the Immigration Department reported that last year, 405,000 individuals were granted permanent residency in this nation.
The majority of people who enter Canada under this program are regarded as economic immigrants, and they are anticipated to help make up some of the one million jobs that are now unfilled in the country’s many economic sectors.
There are one million open positions in the Canadian economy at a time when immigration accounts for practically all of our labor force growth, according to Fraser. “We cannot maximize our economic potential if we do not allow immigration,” he continued.